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Tuesday 22 July 2008

A Huge Concern Over Web: Music Download

by: Plaily Muzic
Internet has come to change everything that once relations used to be lied on. Since Internet had invaded homes, the daily life has never been the same again. Internet changed the family’s habits, the culture and the way someone sees the world. Music is just a part of this change.
Regarding to music, this issue is even more complicated. People now can prepare their own CDs by downloading music from the Internet. And this has become another problematic thing that has contributed to increase the piracy.
The music download problem lies on two issues:
- If people can have access to the most varied types of music, they can have a better idea of a particular artist’s material, they can find out singers they had never heard of and get their CDs even this. These actions may be a little bit illegal and sometimes reduce the profits of the big music companies, but, however, it increases the range where a singer is known. When this happens, both singer and his/her music records win a special recognition, which may lead to the hire of them for shows and (guess what?) profits.
- But if it is true that music download can be beneficial for an artist, sometimes it can also be harmful, speaking about profits of course. And this loss of money in general happens to already famous artists. People download their songs from the Internet because they already know that singer and because they like him/her.
The big music industry complex has a tough battle to face. Profits or recognition!? Profits and recognition depends on each other: you only have profits when you achieve recognition, but your recognition can be measured by your profits. How to solve the problem?
Well, even if this matter seems to be far from a solution, some measures are being taken by the companies. Some laws have been created and other demands are being done. Even if it is hard to supervise all the websites on the Internet that offer music download, some people have been being charged of piracy and arrested.
Janis Ian on her article states that the music download increases the profit of the music industries, instead of what these industries allege. According to Janis, when people downloads a music form he Internet and get to know that song, they buy the CD because they already liked it and have no way to regret buying that CD. She also states that this happens because most of people cannot pay for a CD just to “give it a try”.
Music download is a reality – no matter what.

Next Up and Coming Guitarist in a Long Line of Famous Van Zant Musicians Launches Munch Music - Classic Rock Themed Digital Recording Facility

by: Brian Noer
“Live Your Rock & Roll Dream” at Munch Music – CD recording, music lessons and live performance experience are now within the grasp of all musiciansTsawwassen, B.C., June 21, 2005 -- Munch Music, Inc. - On July 16th get ready to jump into the center ring of your own 'Rock & Roll Circus' as Munch Music opens its doors in Tsawwassen, B.C., Canada, to music fans and performers of all ages and experience levels,. Munch Music is the brainchild of Taylor Van Zant. Taylor a 15 year old who has been playing guitar for two and a half years - his goal: to be the next in a long line of famous Van Zant musicians. Directors Brian Noer and Dawn Van Zant, who have a combined forty years of professional expertise in the financial markets and many successful business ventures between them, are backing Taylor in this exciting new enterprise.The concept behind Munch Music is simple: “You have a Rock & Roll Dream and we provide the means for you to live that dream”. Life at Munch Music is never boring, and here you're never too old or too young to be a bona fide 'Jukebox Hero'! Munch Music provides the fulfillment of musical dreams through a state of the art digital recording studio, the opportunity to promote your new CD both in-store and online, and a staff of experienced lifelong musicians who are available to instruct and guide you through your musical journey. And to top it all off, we are able to offer our services and expertise at extremely affordable prices that should suit the budget of even the youngest new chart toppers.“I have always wanted a chance to live my own Rock & Roll Dream,” said Taylor Van Zant, “so I developed the concept behind Munch Music as a place where I could live my dream and others could live theirs too.”“It was an exciting moment,” said Brian Noer, Director of Munch Music, “when Dawn and Taylor approached me with their concept for a place where musicians of all ages, and particularly teenagers, could channel their energies in a positive way towards the realization of musical goals. Music has been a positive influence on me for most of my life, and I relish the opportunity to run a business whose aim is to develop the creative instincts of the next generation of musical talent.”The Munch Music website features an extensive list of music industry links from classic rock to copyrighting your own music for avid music fans. Click here for more details: Other famous Van Zant musician links us: Doors Open on July16, 2005 at 10:00 am. Check us out online at, where you can view a complete description of our services, facilities, price list, menu and merchandise. Music Industry Blog: Brian Noer or Taylor Van Zant bnoer@investorideas.com866 725 2552Unit 11 - 1835 56th Street, V4L 2L8Delta, BC - CanadaAbout the author:About us: Open on July16, 2005 at 10:00 am. Check us out online at,/where you can view a complete description of our services, facilities, price list, menu and merchandise.

How Do You Find Sheet Music Downloads Today?

by: Jeff Schuman
Music is a piece of entertainment that is in society’s dailylife consistently. It doesn’t matter whether it is Rock andRoll, Gospel and Christian music, or jazz, people listen tomusic for a variety of reasons. However, today there are moreand more people learning to play instruments and create musicpieces themselves as oppose to simply listening to music. Onthe internet you can find sheet music downloads for songs tosing and play with the piano, guitar, Christian music and more.When trying to find a certain song or certain kind of sheetmusic over the internet, it can get frustrating. There aremillions of sites to look, but in a way that can be discouraginghaving to look through millions of sites to find a couple songs.With this article I’ll lead you towards a few of the morepopular sites that contain many songs, and attempt to help youin finding sheet music over the internet. To start, notationmachine is a site where you can find sheetmusic to over thousands of songs narrowed down to the decades.It also has it broken down into author and song title when yougo through the specific decades. Through this site they also offer a membership that you candownload certain software to help you find the thousands ofdifferent kinds of sheet music on the internet today fromclassical to gospel to piano music. With downloading thesoftware it will help you find all kinds of new sheet music andgive you access to downloading them and printing them out asoppose to just viewing them. This and much more can be foundhere: you are looking for a list of just classical sheet music,then virtual sheet music is the place for you. Here you willfind a list of the top composers sold, links to specificcomposers and instruments, free sheet music, or a list of all ofthe sheet music available. The price on this site varies from$2-$9 for individual pieces of sheet music, but is well worththe buy as you can play the best classical music made.This is not a site of just classical music, but a list of thebest composers known today. You can find sheet music from Bach,Beethoven, Mozart and more. With a few dollars you too can beplaying the greatest classical music made. Find all of theCD’s, sheet music, links and more here:http://www.virtualsheetmusic.comIf you’re looking for a broad site that will show you sheetmusic to all kinds of music, then check out Hereyou can find sheet music and lessons for numerous instrumentsincluding the guitar, piano, cello, voice and more. Also on thehome page is a music genres section where you can find piecesand riffs of classical, rock and pop, occasions such asChristmas, and much more. To check out all of these categories and find many of yourfavorite songs that you too can play simply go here: order to print off the sheet music so that you can take itwith you everywhere, there is a $20 per year subscription thatis necessary. However, in order to just observe the sheet musicon the computer it is free. So check out the site where you cantake lessons to improve your skills, and then begin playing allof the best music of all different kinds of genres.As you can see there are sites containing all different kinds ofsheet music out there just waiting for you. Now it’s your turnto find which site suites you best and begin your sheet musicdownloading.About the author:Best MP3 Music Downloads is a site that contains information, articles, and resources on all genres and styles of music. You can download music and videos, and find links to the best places to download music here:

Top 50 Music Quotations

by: Danielle Hollister
Discover the phenomenonal complexity of music and reflect on the way it can positively influence your life with this sound collection of riveting quotes..."Music, the greatest good that mortals know, And all of heaven we have below."-- Joseph Addison"Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness."--Maya Angelou"Music is either good or bad, and it's got to be learned. You got to have balance."-- Louis Armstrong"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."-- Berthold Auerbach"The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul."--Johann Sebastian Bach"Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life."-- Ludwig van Beethoven"Music - The one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind but which mankind cannot comprehend."-- Ludwig van Beethoven"Music can change the world. "-- Ludwig Van Beethoven"Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable."-- Leonard Bernstein"Music has to breathe and sweat. You have to play it live. "-- James Brown"Music is well said to be the speech of angels."-- Thomas Carlyle"All music comes from God."-- Johnny Cash"If you learn music, you'll learn most all there is to know. "-- Edgar Cayce"Music is nothing separate from me. It is me... You'd have to remove the music surgically. "-- Ray Charles"Good music is good no matter what kind of music it is. "-- Miles Davis"There is no feeling, except the extremes of fear and grief, that does not find relief in music."-- George Eliot"You are the music while the music lasts."--T. S. Eliot"We need magic, and bliss, and power, myth, and celebration and religion in our lives, and music is a good way to encapsulate a lot of it. "-- Jerry Garcia"Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife."-- Kahlil Gibran"When people hear good music, it makes them homesick for something they never had and never will have."-- Edgar Watson Howe"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossile to be silent."-- Victor Hugo"The history of a people is found in its songs."-- George Jellinek"Music is the vernacular of the human soul."-- Geoffrey Latham"It requires wisdom to understand wisdom; the music is nothing if the audience is deaf."-- Walter J. Lippmann"Just as certain selections of music will nourish your physical body and your emotional layer, so other musical works will bring greater health to your mind."-- Hal A. Lingerman"Music is the harmonious voice of creation; an echo of the invisible world."-- Giuseppe Mazzini"Music is a beautiful opiate, if you don't take it too seriously."-- Henry Miller"I started making music because I could."-- Alanis Morissette"Music helps you find the truths you must bring into the rest of your life. "-- Alanis Morissette"Music is spiritual. The music business is not. "-- Van Morrison"Like everything else in nature, music is a becoming, and it becomes its full self, when its sounds and laws are used by intelligent man for the production of harmony, and so made the vehicle of emotion and thought."-- Theodore Mungers"Without music life would be a mistake."-- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche"In music the passions enjoy themselves."-- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche"Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn. They teach you there's a boundary line to music. But, man, there's no boundary line to art."-- Charlie Parker"Music should be something that makes you gotta move, inside or outside. "-- Elvis Presley"It's the music that kept us all intact, kept us from going crazy. "-- Lou Reed"The music business was not safe, but it was FUN. It was like falling in love with a woman you know is bad for you, but you love every minute with her, anyway."-- Lionel Richie"Music should never be harmless."-- Robbie Robertson"Give me a laundry list and I'll set it to music."-- Gioacchino Antonio Rossini"All music is important if it comes from the heart. "-- Carlos Santana"Music is the key to the female heart."-- Johann G. Seume"The best music... is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with. "-- Bruce Springsteen"All I try to do is write music that feels meaningful to me, that has commitment and passion behind it."-- Bruce Springsteen"In music one must think with the heart and feel with the brain."--George Szell"When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest."-- Henry David Thoreau"For heights and depths no words can reach, music is the soul's own speech."--Unknown"Most of us go to our grave with our music still inside of us."--Unknown"I believe in the power of music. To me, it isn't just a fad. This is a positive thing."-- Eddie Vedder"Music at its essence is what gives us memories. "-- Stevie Wonder"There's a basic rule which runs through all kinds of music, kind of an unwritten rule. I don't know what it is. But I've got it."-- Ron Wood About the author:Danielle Hollister is the Publisher of BellaOnline Quotations Zine - A free newsletter for quote lovers featuring more than 10,000 quotations in dozens of categories like - love, friendship, children, inspiration, success, wisdom, family, life, and many more. Read it online at -
Please click here for other music related articles.

Where To Download Music On The Internet

by: Chris Fox
Virtually all of you have probably heard of the RIAA's quest to crush online music piracy. The illegal sharing of copyrighted songs via the MP3 format on top the Internet costs the music industry billions of dollars. This is conventionally done applying illegal file sharing programs like KaZaa and iMesh. This article explores the legal ways to download and enjoy music from the Internet.Method 1: Try out Free Music SitesThere are many free music websites which provide free music downloads. It is not the websites of your music pirates - it is completely legal. Do not expect to find full albums to download, particularly if the song is from a famous artist (only music pirate websites allow full album downloads). You'll only find a couple "teasers" intended to produce you wish to purchase the artists' Compact disc. Independent, less well-known artists are an exception - many of them will let you down their complete song catalog to promote themselves.Just here are a couple of the free music websites which I personally recommend:** Digital Music Downloads*** The Internet Underground Music ArchiveMethod 2: Purchase Music OnlineAn increasingly popular way to find and download music online is to head for legal online music services. The virtually all popular of these is the Apples iTune service. Now it will bring across 400,000 songs from all 5 major labels. Every song is available for a standard cost of ninety-nine cents every. Right here are the best online music services I have come across:** iTunes* MusicMatch Downloads* Napster* Rhapsody* Weblisten.comConclusionIt's incredibly tempting to employ KaZaa and more file sharing programs to download music - however please do not. If you wrote a song and sold a Compact disc, would you be happy to see hundreds to thousands of people distributing that song for free? No. You do not have to break the law to find and download free MP3 music. There are many websites out there offering free music - you just want to find them.About the author:For more information on music downloads visit:

How to Find and Download Your Favorite Music Videos

by: Jeff Schuman
With all of the latest technology of downloading songs to burnonto CD’s, iPod’s, and more, the simple thought of music videodownloads often passes peoples minds anymore. With burningsongs onto CD’s, and listening to songs on your iPod, you’reonly retaining the audio portion of music and completelyoverlooking the visual aspect of music.Sure you can tune into MTV and VH1 and all of the other musicchannels. However, anymore there are more TV and reality showson the music channels then there are actual music videos. With music video downloads on your personal computer, you candownload a video of your favorite artist or favorite song in amatter of minutes depending on your internet connection speed. Once downloaded you can save it to a file or if you downloadfrom one site, most contain a library in which all of yourfavorite music videos will be saved to.In this day and age nothing is legally free, so one might askthemselves how much it will cost to actually watch music videos?Is it really worth it to pay for music videos when you canwatch them on TV? Depending on the site you download from, itis very much worth it to pay the low cost and have a much largerselection than on TV and be able to watch them whenever you want.There are millions of sites that offer music video downloads forfree, so what’s the catch. For a majority of the sites you canonly view 30 seconds of the song such as at Other sites such as allow you to view one musicvideo, kind of like a teaser to see the quality of video. Afterviewing the video if you attempt to watch another one, it takesyou to the sign in page where you can either log-in if already amember, or you can learn the prices and register to getunlimited access to millions of videos. At they offer a deal where you can get unlimiteddownloads of music videos and music in general to save to yourcomputer for just $4.99/mo. At there are over 1million songs to choose from allowing you to never be leftunsatisfied. There are system requirements in order to downloadthe program that can be viewed at, but with music that cheapit’s hard to pass up.Another site worth checking out is At thissite you can purchase a 2 year membership for $1/mo. or a singleyear membership for $1.57/mo. With a membership to this siteyou receive unlimited access to billions of songs, no softwareis required to download, and you can burn unlimited songs aswell. With this site you also are not limited to just musicvideo downloads, but you are also capable of downloading mp3s,movies, TV and Radio shows, and much more.Now that you have knowledge of how to download music videos andwhy to download music videos, get out there and begin buildingup a large library videos for a low cost.About the author:Best MP3 Music Downloads is a site that contains information, articles, and resources on all genres and styles of music. You can download music and videos, and find links to the best places to download music here:

Munch Music Presents Double Shot of Rock on Saturday September 24th – ‘Chemical Dream’ and ‘Van Paul and the Forever Reds’

by: Brian Noer
Two local Tsawwassen bands perform back to back rock shows – both bands currently working on recording CDs at Munch Music Recording Facility.Munch Music Delta, B.C., September 19, 2005 - Munch Music, Inc. - and, Delta’s premiere live venue and digital recording facility is very proud to present two live performances this Saturday September 24th, by the local Tsawwassen bands, ‘Chemical Dream” and ‘Van Paul and the Forever Reds’. Munch Music features live Rock & Roll performances every Friday and Saturday night.On Saturday September 24th at 7:30pm, the band ‘Van Paul and the Forever Reds’ (VPATFR) will be opening the double shot of live rock at Munch Music. VPATFR recently completed the recording of their first single, entitled, “And Air” the proceeds of which they have donated to the Red Cross and the survivors of Hurricane Katrina (click here for more information and download location for the song, “And Air” - The Red’s sound is a mixture of powerful lyrics, catchy melodies and rocking musical talent that the band refers to as a meeting place between classic and new rock.VPATFR consist of Munch Music’s founder and President, Taylor Vant on vocals, guitar and bass, Patrick Snape on guitar and bass, Max Konyi on lead guitar and Nate Konyi on percussion. Chemical Dream are following up their very successful recent slots as headliners and opening band (for the band LTG) at Munch Music, with an encore performance of the songs that will ultimately make up their debut CD which they are currently recording at Munch Music’s digital recording facility. Chemical Dream consists of John Simpson on guitar, Alex Won on guitar, Doug Bourks on bass, and Connor McIlvenna on percussion. The Dream’s music is a very hooky mixture of riff based classic rock with melodic guitar melodies and instantly accessible songwriting talent.Both Chemical Dream and VPATFR performed this past Sunday at the Terry Fox Run fundraiser at the South Delta Recreation Center. Tickets for this gig are $5 and are available through Munch Music - avoid disappointment on the night and book your tickets early.More Details on recent and coming events: The concept behind Munch Music is simple: "You have a Rock & Roll Dream and we provide the means for you to live that dream". Life at Munch Music is never boring, and here you're never too old or too young to be a bona fide 'Jukebox Hero'! Munch Music provides the fulfillment of musical dreams through a state of the art digital recording studio, the opportunity to promote your new CD both in-store and online, and a staff of experienced lifelong musicians who are available to instruct and guide you through your musical journey. And to top it all off, we are able to offer our services and expertise at extremely affordable prices that should suit the budget of even the youngest new chart toppers.The Munch Music website features an extensive list of music industry links from classic rock to copyrighting your own music for avid music fans. Click here for more details: About us: "Live Your Rock & Roll Dream" at Munch Music - CD recording, music lessons and live performance experience are now within the grasp of all musicians: Check us out online at and where you can view a complete description of our services, facilities, price list, menu and merchandise.Music Industry Blog: Contact: Brian Noer or Taylor Van Zant 604.948.1811Unit 11 - 1835 56th Street, V4L 2L8 Delta, BC - CanadaAbout the author:About us: "Live Your Rock & Roll Dream" at Munch Music - CD recording, music lessons and live performance experience are now within the grasp of all musicians: us out online at you can view a complete description of our services, facilities, price list, menu and merchandise.

The MusicForte concept

is truly unprecedented and we would really love to have you with us on the success of this program. There is still plenty of time to join MusicForte as an OWL member, before corporate and leader campaigns get started in force. Remember, MusicForte is a brand new online program and as an OWL member you have the chance to get involved at the ground level.But I'm not a musician, why should I join?The earning potential for affiliates is tremendous for anyone, let alone for you being invited at the start as an OWL member! The interest response rate on this has been much higher than anything we've seen before. We're going to be able to recruit both people interested in earning with the affiliate program as well as musicians, music stores, music centers, radio stations and record companies. Members have already been getting high interest from folks in all of those categories!You can earn very well in the 3x6 force fill matrix, over $4200 a month possible. You get $10 for every direct referral to the platinum plan to be an affiliate, another $10 for every upgrade and direct referral for the Musician Module, and another $10 for every upgrade and direct referral for the Customer Module. Then in addition to all that, you get a 5% commission on every single music project sale from referred Musicians and/or Customers in the state of the art reverse bidding system for music projects. We're also adding a member profit sharing plan on the compilation CD's that Music Forte will create and release containing our Musician members, all leading up to the plan to make Music Forte its own record label.Join us now at am a musician, why should I join?Musicians can post a page about themselves as well us uploaded samples to market yourself to the businesses, stations, customers and other musicians involved. You can submit songs for radio play time on the Music Forte Internet Radio station that will be going live. One of your songs could be selected to be included in the Music Forte compilation CD's we'll be releasing. You can bid on music projects that our Customer members will be posting, like a new jingle for their ad, a tune for their website, a band looking for a bass riff, etc. When the customer for the project selects you, you get paid for your music! Sell your old equipment through the Music Mart. You can collaborate or even form a band with fellow Musician members. Submit articles about music or your music stories for cash. You can also be paid well participating in the platinum plan as an affiliate too. Refer your musician contacts, drop flyers off about it at the club you play, drop cards off about it at the music store you frequent.Join us now at Forte is for Everyone!Yes. It truly has a mass public appeal. Every platinum, musician and customer member also gets a subscription to Tracks Magazine included! And every member is offered unlimited 6-month sessions of online music instrument lessons on guitar, piano, bass, drums, violin, and much more!Take advantage of your early invite (a big plus for you with a force fill matrix!), and join with us now at About the author:Your Colleagues, David Platte and DR Werba co-founders OWL questions, comments? send to

Is it Possible to Download Music Legally Anymore?

by: Jeff Schuman II
© Jeff Schuman II the past few years downloading music on the internethas increased in popularity. At the same time though, it hasbecome illegal through many companies to download music asmusicians and artists have been losing money on their CD sales.With many people being sued in the past couple years fordownloading music, is it really possible to download musiclegally anymore? If so, at what price will it cost you todownload music?As music sites such as Napster and Kazaa and many more haveattempted to create sites to download music for free, they havejust increased the problem that much more. Some of the users ofthese programs have learned the hard way that music does notcome free, as they were sued for illegally downloading music. Today there are many sites in which you can download music atwhere they claim it is 100% legal. The latest music fileformats used are Windows® Media (WMA), Advanced Acoustic Coding(AAC) and Atrac 3, and are very popular as it increases thesound quality making it closer to an actual CD bought in stores.Another great advantage is that many sites such asSonicSelector Service on MSN allow you to preview the musicbefore buying it. Many sites today also offer a three-day trialof their music downloading site, and then after that you willhave to begin paying a monthly fee. So it is possible todownload music legally online, but at what cost? offers unlimited music for a price of $9.95 permonth and then you also have to install the software from theirsite. The downloaded music is non-burnable and once yoursubscription runs out you no longer have access to any of yoursongs. Rhapsody at also charges $9.95 per month fornon-burnable music, but instead of downloading the music youdownload a music player that gives you access to the songs.Now you can download music and you know the basic price permonth for non-burnable songs. However, most people downloadmusic so that they can burn their favorite CD with a variety ofsongs. Transferring these songs onto a CD or a personal MP3player will cost you even more. Many sites offer packages forsongs capable of burning as oppose to a set price per song.For example, Pressplay offers 5 burnable songs for $5.95, 10burnable songs for $9.95, 20 burnable songs for $18.95, and thenon top of those prices you are still required to pay the monthlyfee to use the program. MusicNet offers a package for $17.95 amonth that comes with unlimited downloading music and 10burnable songs. There are other sites such as that is priced at99 cents to download a song and there is no monthly fee, but youmust own a Mac in order to do this. Sites such as,, and all offer free music todownload and burn. The catch is that these sites offer amajority of unknown artists and songs. With the exception of the last few sites I have mentioned, youwill find a relatively large selection of music to choose fromin all of these sites. Not one of the sites offers less than300,000 songs to choose from with all of the biggest names inthe music industry such as Eminem, Britney Spears, and evenoldies such as Elvis, The Beatles, and Frank Sinatra.There are websites out there that are 100% legal for you todownload music at. The question now is how much money are youwilling to pay to download all of the hottest songs today, andare you willing to pay extra to put those songs onto a CD?About the author:Jeff Schuman is the creator of where you can buy CD’s and find all of the best free music downloads.

Munch Music's Recent Live Acoustic Performance Reminiscent of 60's Coffee House, But With a New Generation of Influences Including Nirvana and The Pix

by: Brian Noer
Up and Coming Young Artists Embrace Rock Music with a Blend of New and Old Delta, B.C., July 26, 2005 - Munch Music, Inc. - and presented a live in-house acoustic performance on the evening of Friday, July 22, 2005 featuring local talent, Geoff Mason accompanied on guitar in several songs by Munch's co-founder and Director, 16 year old Taylor Van Zant. The newly opened classic rock themed recording studio and music facility will be providing an onstage venue for new artists to perform live in front of small intimate audiences. Friday’s acoustic performance was a sharp contrast to the recent hard rock live performance at Munch's launch performed by "White Noise", evidencing the diversity and blends of rock music. (More info about White Noise: Recent Event: Geoff Mason Acoustic PerformanceOn Saturday night at 7:30 pm, Munch Music presented a solo acoustic performance by Geoff Mason - a Tsawwassen resident, and South Delta Secondary School student. Geoff played a raw and edgy, alternative acoustic set, a mixture of original material and covers. Geoff has been playing guitar for 1 ½ years and claims influences such as The Pixies and Nirvana. He has been a singer and bassist in various bands for 3 years, is currently the front man for the local band, The Affiliates, and his goal is, "to take this as far as it goes and to have fun while I'm doing it". Taylor Van Zant (musical accompaniment for many of the songs performed that evening) is 16 years old and has been playing guitar for two and a half years - his goal: to be the next in a long line of famous Van Zant musicians. Coming Events:Friday, July 29th, 2005: The Eclipse 7:30pm Saturday July 30th, 2005: The Heck 7:30pm The Heck is: Bryan Steeksma – guitar / lead vocals, Parker Bossley – bass / vocals, and Amanda Hamilton – drums / vocals. The Heck is melodic hard rock, influenced by guitar greats Jimi Hendrix & Joe Satriani with three way vocal harmonies performed by three musicians with an average age of 17. The Heck is represented by Peter Karroll at TKO management and they have also signed a deal with Bif Naked’s label: Her Royal Majesty Records. The band has already shot a video for their lead single "Insane" (directed by Stephano Barberis) and their debut album is due from HRM records via Warner later this summer. Plan to arrive early for the Munch Music performance, as we expect a full house.More Details on recent and coming events: concept behind Munch Music is simple: "You have a Rock & Roll Dream and we provide the means for you to live that dream". Life at Munch Music is never boring, and here you're never too old or too young to be a bona fide 'Jukebox Hero'! Munch Music provides the fulfillment of musical dreams through a state of the art digital recording studio, the opportunity to promote your new CD both in-store and online, and a staff of experienced lifelong musicians who are available to instruct and guide you through your musical journey. And to top it all off, we are able to offer our services and expertise at extremely affordable prices that should suit the budget of even the youngest new chart toppers.The Munch Music website features an extensive list of music industry links from classic rock to copyrighting your own music for avid music fans. Click here for more details: famous Van Zant musician links About us: "Live Your Rock & Roll Dream" at Munch Music - CD recording, music lessons and live performance experience are now within the grasp of all musicians: Check us out online at and where you can view a complete description of our services, facilities, price list, menu and merchandise as well as photos of the facility. Music Industry Blog: Brian Noer or Taylor Van Zant 604.948.1811Unit 11 - 1835 56th Street, V4L 2L8 Delta, BC - CanadaAbout the author:"Live Your Rock & Roll Dream" at Munch Music - CD recording, music lessons and live performance experience are now within the grasp of all musicians

Where Did the Music Video Come from?

by: Ispas Marin
Although the first music video ever broadcasted was ‘Video Killed the Radio Star’ played by MTV in 1981, some consider the music video to be much older than that year. It seems that the film Alexander Nevsky, directed by Sergei Eisenstein in 1938 had some extended images of battles which had been choreographed by Sergei Prokofiev. These new scenes were so innovative that they have lately been considered to be the first music video. Apparently, the music video is even much older than these innovative scenes. The 1911 Alexander Scriabin’s symphony – Prometheus: Poem of Fire was written for orchestra and ‘light organ’. Oskar Fischinger’s animated movies were considered to be other ancestors of the music video as they were called ‘visual music’ and they were equipped with orchestral scores. Max Fleischer’s short cartoons were also considered to be attempts of a music video. He created a new type of cartoons, the sing-along cartoons which he called Screen Songs. These short cartoons were inviting the public to sing along to famous songs at that time. Few years later, in the 1930s, these cartoons were changed; they displayed the musicians singing their hit songs in front of the camera in a live-action show. Walt Disney also contributed to the music video evolution through his ‘Silly Symphonies’ which were based on musical pieces. The Warner Brothers cartoons were also created around songs. But the most popular videos were the live music concerts, performing popular singers, videos which were displayed in theatres. Bessie Smith’s dramatized performance of a song was another attempt to make a music video. This performance consisted in a short film named Saint Louis Blues. It was very popular and it had been played in theatres for more than 3 years. She wasn’t the only musician that appeared in short musical materials. Many musicians liked the idea and started shooting their own materials. Music historian Donald Clarke considers that Louis Jordan’s strange feature film Lookout is the official ancestor of the music video. In conclusion, it seems that the first music video issue is still a controversial subject. The important thing that needs to be noted is that the music video is by far much older than the television which made it famous: MTV. About the author:For a great data base of music video codes just visit us at

You may have found the best sourced advice with reference to jazz music

by: Tom
When you are trying to find excellent advice concerning jazz music, you will find it hard unscrambling quality advice from reckless jazz music suggestions and support so it's astute to know how to moderate the information you are offered. Buy 1 Get 5 Free at MSN MusicDownload six of your favorite songs for only 99 cents at MSN Music. Choose from millions of tracks, burn downloads to a CD, transfer to your portable player and much more.Here's a few pieces of advice that you should make use of when you are searching for information concerning jazz music. You need to realize the help we tender is only pertinent to internet help on jazz music. We don't really offer any tips or guidance when you are also conducting research offline. Find jazz musicYour relevant result is a click away!A good hint to track when offered information and advice about a jazz music site is to verify the ownership of the website. This may reveal the operators jazz music credibility The easiest way to find out who is behind the jazz music website is to look on the 'about' page or 'contact' page. All highly regarded sites providing information about jazz music, will almost always provide an 'about' or 'contact' page that will list the owner's details. The info should make known key points concerning the owner's requisite knowledge. You can then decide for yourself about the vendor's qualifications and experience to provide advice to you regarding jazz music.
About the author:Heath Macanally is the webmaster for

Where To Find Christian Music Downloads

by: Jeff Schuman
Are you looking for a place that has Christian music downloads? There are millions of sites to download inspiring Christianmusic and share the love of Jesus Christ. All sites are justone click away from you being able to not only find Christianmusic downloads, but also daily spiritual news, sacred art,Christian teachings and more.At Inspiring free Christian music downloads you’ll find severalfull CD’s that you can download for free. You can find severalCD’s to download by Peter Mason and Paul Lisney full ofChristian music to share the love and acceptance of JesusChrist. At this site you will find much more then just Christian musicdownloads. You can find lyrics and videos to many songs, greatlinks to many more Christian sites, and daily spiritual news.While it is free for all downloads, there is a section where youcan donate between $10 and $30 to the ministry and they willgive you an assortment of gifts in return. So go here and lookthrough the site that has a lot to offer: lot of the sites you go to, including secretplace ministries,have mp3 capable Christian music downloads. This will allow youto place any of the songs you download onto a Windows MediaPlayer, MusicMatch Jukebox, iPod or any other portable mp3player. With secretplace ministries, all of the songs availableare free downloads except for a certain 32 songs. With thesesongs they ask that you download whatever you can afford orwhatever you feel is reasonable. If you go to the site below,you’ll get 4 CD’s worth of music and 20 chord charts/sheet musicfor whatever you can afford. time you are at church and realize that you are onlyspreading the love for Jesus Christ through church on Sundays,go to one of the millions of sites to find Christian musicdownloads. Express your love and feelings towards your religionthrough the music downloads that you can generally get for free.Don’t stop there either!! Go and tell all your friends about itand spread a little bit of enthusiasm towards the Christianreligion on everyone. With these downloads you can celebratethe life of Jesus Christ in a different way then simply by booksand movies. Now you can download the music yourself and singalong with your family in a matter of minutes. So get startednow and find your Christian music downloads immediately.About the author:Best MP3 Music Downloads is a site that contains information, articles, and resources on all genres and styles of music. You can download music and videos, and find links to all of the best places to download music here:

It's not all about the sound

by: joe delqi
You know the phenomenon, everytime you hear music playing in the background you think about the clip associated to the song.Many years ago, music was just about sounds. Skilled people with beautiful, at times selfmade, instruments entertained other people. Back then, music was a gift.But with the introduction of MTV and various other tv-broadcasters, clips are now a must for artists. If you don't have an attractive, high-tech clip you know you'll fail on the billboards. People associate these clips to the quality of the music. If the clip they see is bad they'll stop listening to the song and turn off the screen.Sexy girls dancing with little clothes on, rappers acting tough, ..It's all been done before. Artists now look for computerized video images, with special effects which match with the sound they produced. It sweeps the watcher along for about 3 minutes, enough time to hear the song and perhaps like it.Music needs the images, but needless to say the images definitely need the music. You could even say that music videos are a modern version of opera. In an opera, you have music and acting together as a package. It tells us a story, just like most music videos do. As we all are curious at times, people tend to like stories. Makers of music videos know this and try to make a story with their music videos.The story symbolizes the music: if a song sounds sad, the story will not be a happy tale.In the future, artists will have to keep on spending much time in developing their attractive clips, perhaps even more time than they dedicate to producing music.So I'll give you a good tip: don't always see the music, hear it.. About the author:Webmaster of http://www.discoverclips.comand all-around-music-lover

Seeking the latest and accurate advice in relation to free guitar music sheet

by: Tom
When you are after superior information on free guitar music sheet, it'll be complex separating superior advice from reckless free guitar music sheet proposals and guidance so it's best to know how to moderate the advice you are presented with. Find free guitar music sheetYour relevant result is a click away!What follows next are a few tips which we really think you should use when you are searching for information concerning free guitar music sheet. Understand that the advice we tender is only relevant to web based information about free guitar music sheet. We are unable to offer any tips or guidance for researching in 'real world' situations. Look for free guitar music sheetFind free guitar music sheet at one of the best sites the Internet has to offer!An excellent tip to follow when you are presented with help or advice about a free guitar music sheet web page is to research who is behind the website. This may divulge who is behind the site free guitar music sheet integrity The fastest way to determine who owns the free guitar music sheet website is to look on the 'contact' page or 'about this site' information. All highly regarded sites providing information about free guitar music sheet, will almost certainly provide an 'about' or 'contact' page which will list the owner's details. The fine points should tell some advice concerning the owner's requisite knowledge. This permits you to make an informed assessment about the vendor's education and practical knowledge, to offer guidance about free guitar music sheet.
About the author:Tony Randall is the webmaster for

Some History Facts on Music Videos

by: Ispas Marin
Music videos represent a crucial part of the music industry. Artists owe their careers to music videos as they are being given the chance of impressing the public not just with their vocal talent, but also with their looks or moves. Thirty years ago, music video used to be less important then it is nowadays. MTV (Music Television) was the phenomenon that gave so much power and importance to the music video. MTV started broadcasting in 1981 in the USA and it marked the beginning of the music video’s ruling over the music industry. The first video ever played on MTV was ‘Video Killed the Radio Star’ by The Buggles. As MTV was broadcasting 24-hour-a-day music, music videos were needed to be produced. Consequently, music video began to play an important role in artists’ careers. It is considered that even Madonna’s career has been greatly influenced by her videos that presented a sexy, appealing look of the artist. Some experts say that Madonna has been inspired by the image that the actress Greta Garbo has used in her silent movies. MTV has been highly controversial: some saw as the beginning of an amazing, new, fresh era in music, others considered it to mark the end of true musical talent, as artists have been become more appreciated for their looks instead of their vocal abilities. Nowadays, the music video is as important as the song itself, sometimes even deciding the success of a song or artist. Collections of music videos are being sold on tapes or DVDs. Music video’s greatest fans are apparently watching them muted just to enjoy their artistic value, as they consider it to be a new form of art. They consider that a music video should be assessed based on its visual qualities and not on the song quality. It seems that the music ‘gurus’, corporate managers, have realised the potential of using female sex-appeal in music videos, therefore this feature is being used excessively as it is more popular for the public.The birth of the music video has created a new type of directors: video directors. MTV started even listing directors with video credits and this profession has become more and more popular. But it seems that most video directors don’t specialise in this particular art form, they see it as being just a step on the way to directing a movie. Many start directing videos or commercials, hoping to get the recognition to build a name and to direct a movie. It seems that even video directors admit the fact that a music video is secondary to the song itself. In conclusion, although music video’s fans have tried to elevate this form of entertainment to the title of an art form, the music video is eventually just a work of commerce, destined to sell a product: the song. About the author:For a great data base of music video codes just visit us at

Living Life Loud

by: Shannon Mott
The music industry is changing – one click at a timeChange is good. Just ask the millions of unsigned artists worldwide trying to get their music heard. Since the music industry is changing drastically, unsigned musicians are able to make their music available to listeners. Record labels are realizing new techniques need to be created in order to promote music, and find new talent.The result has been a surge of music-based websites. These sites allow artists to create their own websites, upload MP3s and promote music free of cost. One website which has received much attention is iSOUND.COM.A musician himself, D.J. Burdick’s purpose has been clear from the beginning: create a website that allows unsigned artists to upload MP3s so they can share their music with the world. Burdick, the founder and creator of the music-based website iSOUND.COM, began his career in 1999, shortly after graduating from high school. At first, the main focus of iSOUND.COM was to give visitors more information about their favorite bands.“I was looking for information about artists I liked, and I couldn’t find anything comprehensive on the Internet,” says Burdick. “So, I decided to create my own website.”He then spent one year developing and implementing iSOUND.COM. In 2000, Burdick relocated to Dallas, Texas to attend Southern Methodist University. In Dallas, Burdick realized that it was difficult to find gigs and get his music heard. That is when he had an idea.“I decided to expand iSOUND.COM. I wanted to make it a music community where artists could share their music with the world,” says Burdick.While attending university, Burdick continued working on his website. In 2004, he graduated from SMU’s Cox School of Business. Along with a few college friends, he decided to make iSOUND.COM his full-time career.“Working on my own company has allowed me to work on what I’m truly passionate about. I get to focus on what I believe in,” says Burdick. “I wanted to make iSOUND.COM my full-time job because I had so many ideas. Working for a large, established company may provide more security but that wasn’t dynamic enough for me. I needed something that would allow me to control the vision of the business and let me implement my business ideas. It is very rewarding to see over a million people visiting iSOUND per month who are sharing in this vision and desire to bring great unheard music to the masses.”The music industry is changing drastically. MP3s are no longer just about illegal pirating and file sharing. In fact, MP3s are becoming imperative to unsigned artists wishing to promote their music on the Internet. There are tons of talented artists out there. Unfortunately, they do not have the money to push into advertising or music promotion. The solution to this problem: level the playing field by promoting on the internet.“The [music] industry is going through a huge transitional phase. Everything is changing and the [record] labels are realizing this. They are now using many of the same avenues to promote their artists as those available to unsigned artists,” says Burdick.In fact, a complete industry of music-based websites has developed, allowing musicians to promote their music over the Internet. The way iSOUND.COM works is that artists may sign up and upload their music for free. Staff members then listen to the songs and rate the music. Listeners visit the site, discover new music, and earn points for sharing that music with their friends. The most popular artists on iSOUND.COM receive thousands of plays per month. Musicians can literally gain thousands of new fans just by uploading their music onto popular music websites and networking via those sites.“There is a growing group of signed bands getting a large share of radio and [music] video play that started entirely by promoting on the Internet and playing small clubs,” says Burdick. “The future of music is on the Internet. Get your music uploaded, spend a few hours a week promoting online, and you’ll be amazed at the results.”About the author:Shannon Mott is a freelance writer and employee of iSOUND.COM

Here is the best sourced advice concerning latin music

by: Tom
Sometimes when you're trying to find superior information on latin music, it will be easier said than done sorting out quality information from misguided latin music suggestions or help so it is important to know how to qualify the advice you are presented with. Buy 1 Get 5 Free at MSN MusicDownload six of your favorite songs for only 99 cents at MSN Music. Choose from millions of tracks, burn downloads to a CD, transfer to your portable player and much more.Here's a few guidelines that we believe you should consider using when you're seeking information about latin music. Understand that any recommendation we present to you is only pertinent to internet based information concerning latin music. We do not give you any assistance or guidance when you are also conducting research in books or magazines. Buy 1 Get 5 Free at MSN MusicDownload six of your favorite songs for only 99 cents at MSN Music. Choose from millions of tracks, burn downloads to a CD, transfer to your portable player and much more.A great tip to follow when you're presented with help and advice regarding a latin music web page would be to confirm the sites ownership. This may show you who owns the site latin music identifications The quickest way to work out who owns the latin music website is to look on the 'about' page or 'contact' page. Any worthwhile website providing information on latin music, will always have contact information which will record the site owner's contact details. The fine points should detail some key points regarding the owner's proficency and credentials. You can then decide for yourself about the vendor's insight and appreciation, to offer help regarding latin music.
About the author:Heath Macanally is the webmaster for

Download Mp3 Music Safely

by: Anne Spencer
DON'T Download JUNK! Make sure your download mp3 music is a quality mp3 and that your music download doesn't have hidden downloads that will not only ruin your search for great music but will annoy you and invade your privacy. Here are the four hidden downloads most free music sites install on your computer when you download mp3‘s. 1.Spyware is almost always contained in mp3 freeware and shareware downloads. The spyware gathers information and monitors the activities you perform, unbeknown to you. 2.Adware is also contained in these mp3 download networks. Your computer can and probably will be stuffed with a huge amount of intrusive advertising. 3.Pornography is very prevalent on the Internet. Be very aware that porn peddlers disguise their software as the latest free mp3 download or game demo to redirect your modem to porn sites. 4.Spoofing is when download mp3 networks are filled with fake files. For example, if you download what you think is a popular mp3 song, you will get the same ten seconds of the song over and over again. So in your hunt to download mp3 ‘s and create your own library of music, be selective of which music download site you use. There are many to choose from but few that offer privacy protection, online service, tech help, spyware-free and adware-free downloads, as well as a large library of quality mp3’s.Things have come a long way with regards of how we listen to our favorite music. It's as easy as a push of a button with digital music.Knowing where to start, how you want to listen to your music and what you want to do with it, is the first step. When you download mp3 files from online music services, you need to know what they allow you to do. Some songs are just for listening to, some can be downloaded, and some can be burned to a CD or a portable music player. A few owners of certain artists publishing rights will not grant the license rights, which means some mp3's are not available for downloading.The majority of the time, you'll find what you're looking for because the larger download MP3 subscription music web sites have access to the catalog of the Five Big Labels – Sony, Warner, Universal, EMI, and BMG, which account for about 80% of recorded music.So now that you have the facts on how to download mp3 ‘s, do some research for quality music download sites, take advantage of any Free Trials, download lot’s of music, turn up the volume and don’t forget to Sing Along!
About the author:By Anne Spencer, editor of Music Download Review find a Top Music Download Site read:

The Art of Music

by: patica masicuz
Music is the art of arranging sounds in periodic time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre.It is also the vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody, harmony, or rhythm. Music can also be when an aesthetically pleasing or harmonious sound or combination of sounds are produced example the music of the water falling from a tap in a vessel.Most of the time music is kept in memory and performance only. If handed down orally, this music may be considered "traditional" or not considered composed by individuals. Different musical traditions have different attitudes towards how and where to make changes to the original source. If the music is written down, it is generally in some manner which attempts to capture both what should be heard by listeners, and what the musician should do to perform the music.In most of the parts of the world music is a part of everyday life. Chanting and singing during religious rites and festivals are very common. Music as a performing art is very usual among Indians. It was also among the seventeenth-century New England settlers who used music during their religious observances by chanting psalms in the meeting house as an important communal activity.By the end of the century psalm singing had become dissonant since worshipers could no longer read the musical patterns in the religious book. The right rendering of tunes was of lesser importance than religious passion so many ministers and musical refreshers, observed the teaching of musical notation to restore order in the community. Regular singing soon gave rise to the development of singing schools and the creation of music for secular entertainment.The revolutionary war saw a flowering of musical creativity. Supporters of the American cause quite often changed the words of British songs, such as "Yankee Doodle," to taunt their adversaries. The immediate post revolutionary cultural climate was one of optimism that Americans could create their own culture free of English influence. In the 1850s, the call for an independent American music was heard again, this time from a composer whose New York lectures in the early fifties inspired an interest in the development of an American musical language. But the drive for cultural independence fell short.With the wars came the marches and sentimental songs that spoke of home, wives, mothers and children became popular. Composers and entrepreneurs printed many of these. In the second half of the century, many successful American composers had studied in Europe and adopted the romantic style despite the ongoing arguments for an American music. Many men who earned their livelihoods as professors achieved respectability with works that bore considerable resemblance to similar pieces being composed in Europe at the time.In the end of the century, major orchestras came up in New York. Smaller communities observed performances by local bands, which reflected the popular taste for dances, marches, and synchronizing excerpts. The troupes moving throughout the country, performed combined comedic episodes, scenes from Shakespeare's plays, dancing, and minstrel songs performed in black face. About the author:patica masicuz is the owner of BTX Music which is a premier resource for music information. for more information, go to

Out of Chaos Comes Great Opportunity for Music

by: Chuck Brown
Recent upheaval has affected the major record labels, powered by economic fluctuation, the MP3 revolution, online music piracy, home recording technologies and the amazing growth of the personalized listening experience (iPods, etc). Radio is losing its dominance as well... and is now just one of many forces that influence whose music one listens to. In fact, personal referrals from friends is just about the only force that remains unfazed by changes in technology... and, in fact, it's probably more important than ever.This is great news for independent musicians (also known as "indies"). Anyone can make an album these days, and anyone can afford a web site... allowing them to take their music directly to their potential audience without interference from managers and labels. As a result, more and more talented and inspired artists are writing songs, recording albums and trotting their music out before live audiences.Most of these artists have also discovered that it helps to make some of their music available for free (and legal) MP3 download. By picking a good, strong song or two and putting it on their web site (or another site devoted exclusively to free music downloads), these songs become evangelistic forces for their music... working for them 24/7/365. MP3 music is not hindered by geographical boundaries or time zones. In many cases (especially instrumentals), it's unaffected by language differences as well. And it's no longer even slightly unusual for an artist to record a song in their little bedroom studio and post it online... while someone downloads it and is listening to it in their car or bedroom on the other side of the world just a matter of hours later!Of course, there's still a lot of mediocre (and even downright BAD) music out there. This is where the power of personal referral really kicks in. When someone discovers some music that really turns them on, and then shares it with their friends... the cream truly rises to the top. If they go a step further and purchase an album or pay to download more MP3 tracks, the artist is encouraged and can afford to put more time into honing their skills and creating new music. The good stuff thrives and the mediocre stuff dies independent music succeed. Support quality where you find it. Share it with your friends. Pick up a copy of their CD or pay to download more songs. Catch the artist in concert when you can. Send them an email telling them how much their music means to you. Everyone wins when we actively support great music! About the author:Chuck Brown is the webmaster of the Free Music Group, which offers a bunch of free MP3 downloads from gifted artists in genres such as children's music, solo piano, acoustic guitar, holiday music and Christian music. He also created The Free Music Directory, which offers free links to artist sites with at least one free and legal MP3 download available. And he's released several albums of his original compositions, available at, and

Music For A Better Life

by: Steve Gillman
Would you like to pop in a CD and have a better quality of life, and even self improvement? There are three ways you can use music to accomplish this.Music For MotivationPut on energetic music, and even doing housework seems less like work. Using music to motivate yourself or change your mood is an area where you can trust your experience and experimentation. When you find the msic that energizes you, relaxes you, or makes you happy, keep it ready for when you need it.Music For IntelligenceMusic creates neural pathways in your brain that stimulate creativity. Studies show that music trains the brain for higher forms of thinking. In one study, three-year-olds were split into two groups. The first had no special training in, or exposure to music. The second group studied piano and sang daily in chorus. Eight months later the musical three-year-olds were much better at solving puzzles. They also scored 80% higher in spatial intelligence than the other group. There's also anectdotal evidence that listening to music, especially from Mozart's era, can help you study and learn better. Hopefully there will be more research. In the meantime there's no reason not to do your own experimentation. I've heard that Stephen King writes with loud rock music playing, so the benefits of music may be according to your own tastes or brain-organization.Music For Brainwave EntrainmentWant to listen to some music, and get smarter, or have instant easy meditation? There are products now that "entrain" your brainwaves, in order to put you in a meditative state. Music is embedded with beats and pulses that entrain your brain waves to a specific frequency. Put in the right CD or MP3 for your activity, and you get better brain function. Science? Partly.Brain wave frequencies vary with mental state. Daydreaming and light meditation take place in the "Alpha" range of frequencies, for example. So if you listen to music containing beats at a frequency of 10 Hz you will generate more brainwaves at a 10 Hz frequency and enter a relaxed Alpha mental state. Do these things really work?Yes. I've found two products that put me in a peaceful state unlike any other music or meditative practice. Studies will prove the effects (some have already), and disprove the wilder claims. Given my results, however, I wouldn't wait for more research. Many things work long before the scientific proof arrives.If you are skeptical, you can wait for more evidence of the benefits of brainwave entrainment. Meanwhile, why not try classical music when you study, just to see if it helps? Experiment with music - Mozart isn't dangerous.About the author:Steve Gillman writes on many self help topics including boosting brainpower, losing weight, meditation, habits of mind, creative problem solving, learning gratitude, generating luck and anything related to self improvement. You'll find more at

The Effect of Censorship on Music Videos

by: Ispas Marin
Music videos represent a form of expressing an artistic message, but many artists sometimes make a statement that is considered to be offensive. Therefore the music video gets censored due to these offensive messages. The definition of offensive music videos is different from one country to another. What is considered to be offensive in one country could be seen as a completely normal behaviour in another. The reason for this situation is the diversity of cultures that have different laws and different ethics. The label company which is usually producing the music video is aware of this phenomenon, so videos are being edited and distributed in a censored version and an uncensored one for a single artist. Despite these efforts on behalf of the producers, some videos still get banned as they are still regarded as being too offensive to be broadcasted to the public. The first music video to be ever banned was ‘Girls on film’. It was banned by MTV in 1981, the very year of the birth of this TV station. This music video was considered to display too much amount of flesh and it was also banned by BBC for reasons of excessive nudity. Madonna had a lot of music videos that got banned for different causes. The ‘Justify my love’ music video was particularly censored for its display of homosexuality, sadomasochism and group sex. Another Madonna music video, ‘What it feels like for a girl’ was also banned by MTV because it displayed too much violence. And Madonna was banned again years later for the ‘American Life’ music video as it was considered to send an anti-American message. The artist was forced to shoot another video for the song. But Madonna isn’t the only artist who has ever been banned. The ‘Smack my bitch up’ music video by Prodigy was also banned, but only in a few countries, as it contained images displaying drug use and nudity. Even the music video for the hit song ‘Firestarter’ by Prodigy was censored by BBC as it was considered to send a violent message for arson. The ‘God save the queen’ music video for the Sex Pistols was also censored by BBC for making an anti-royal statement.Taking all these bans into consideration, there is no wonder that Egypt has banned around 20 music videos for their display of sexually-charged images! Surprisingly, but even innocent music videos become victims of censorships. For instance, REM’s ‘Losing My Religion’ music video was censored in Ireland as it was displaying images which were considered to mock religion.In conclusion, music videos have been banned along the years for all sorts of reasons: religion, nudity, violence, drugs etc. One thing needs to be said: the fact that a music video gets banned doesn’t mean it has a poor artistic value, it plainly means that the message is inappropriate to be broadcasted on national television. About the author:For a great data base of music video codes just visit us at

Dance Music!

by: Silent One
Dance music comes in many different forms, from disco to hip-hop. Though there have been various dance crazes throughout the history of popular music, dance music became its own genre in the mid-'70s, as soul mutated into disco and whole clubs were devoted to dancing. In the late '70s, dance clubs played disco, but by the end of the decade, disco was mutating into a number of different genres.All of the genres were collected under the catch-all term "dance," though there were distinct differences between dance pop, hip-hop, house, and techno, among other subgenres. What tied them all together was their emphasis on rhythm -- in each dance subgenre, the beat remains all-important foundation.Whatever the music, if you feel the beat you can dance to it.
About the author:

Nothing But Country Music Downloads

by: Jeff Schuman
Listening to country music’s greatest hits could never be easierthan it is today. All of the greatest country music songs andtoday’s hottest hits are all but a couple clicks away from you.No more having to go out and buy the CD or waiting to hear it onthe radio. Now, with the help of this article, you’ll be ableto find which sites provide the best country music downloadswith the easiest access for you.Don’t you hate it when you’re excited about a new CD that’scoming out, then you buy it and there are only a couple good ofsongs? With music downloads you no longer have to go throughthis grueling process anymore as you can simply select the songsor artists that interest you most and make a collaboration ofyour favorite country music downloads.At MSN Music you can find everything country that will satisfyyour needs. One of the many things they offer is the currenttop selling albums such as Rascal Flatts, Keith Urban’s Be Here,and Brooks and Dunn Greatest hits, plus many more. For a lowprice of $.99 per song you can download all of the top sellingsongs including alcohol by Brad Paisley, Keith Urban’s Days GoBy, Who You’d Be Today by Keney Chesney, and Hundreds more. Ifthat’s not enough for you, then click under the artists indemand link and view the top 100 country music artists in demandand view all of their accessible songs to download. All thisand more can be found here: site that is very much worth mentioning is Hereyou can find not only country music downloads, but also watchvideos of an assortment of artists. This site helps you find acertain artist or song very quickly making it convenient. Ifyou simply want to browse through a certain kind of country,they have different songs broken into different country stylessuch as alternative country, country-pop, honky tonk and more. On the side of the main page they have classic countryessentials such as Loretta Lynn, Willie Nelson, Charlie Rich andmore. As with MSN Music, you can search by artist or song tohelp find what you need quicker. Also similar to MSN Music isthe price per song at $.99. This site can be viewed here: are sites out there that allow you to get country musicdownloads for “free”, but be careful with these sites. Many ofthese sites say they’re free, but will sucker you into buyingother things or somehow get you signed up for buying CD’s andmore. For instance, makes you sign upfirst by submitting your name, address, phone number, and moreinformation. Another site found at has you go throughseveral steps to sign up. Included in the steps is personalinformation such as name and address, you have to set up anaccount with a password, then there are two or three pages ofadvertisements that you have to go through and select if you’reinterested or not.So while it may seem cheaper and worth the time to attempt tofind country music downloads for free, you may want toinvestigate and try some things out before going into that.There are millions of sites out there offering country musicdownloads and they’re all waiting for you. I have provided afew of the better sites in my opinion to get you started. Nowit’s your turn to go and begin putting together a list of yourfavorite country music songs. About the author:Best MP3 Music Downloads is a site that contains information, articles, and resources on all genres and styles of music. You can download music and videos, and find links to the best places to download music here:

Learning Styles Of Music

by: Guy Ames
What genres (music types) are important?Learning styles of music can help you get work, don’t get me wrong; but you need to consider the time and expense involved in knowing a lot of music genre’s, having the goods to do them, and if your locality really wants the specific genre.DJs invariably enter the profession as a part time hobby because they love the music they play and love to see others enjoying it too.Usually DJs have an already significant existing vinyl or CD/DVD collection of music that they enjoy and they use this to mix and play for DJ events for which they are hired.Some DJs like to specialize in a particular genre of music in order to attract a certain type of clientele. This may be because they particularly liked learning styles of music; that genre; or because they know that this will secure regular work.Dance, Indie, acid or house music is particularly popular with DJs who work the club circuit while 60s, 70s and 80s music is more popular with mobile DJs who host private parties and BBQs.It depends on what’s popular in your area, as to whether you should offer Country, HipHop, or the latest cutting edge music genre. To learn more about specific music styles, you may want to read up .Every good DJ experiments with how they will get the crowd moving and different DJs enjoy learning styles of music to do exactly that.In fact, you will probably find that most DJs have a set routine for how the night will play out according to music, sound, lighting and other effects such as bubbles, background buzz, DJ banter and audience participation.This methodology works the world around and is irrespective of what genre the DJ specializes in.Regardless of what music genre a DJ specializes in, the key to the event is not the actual songs themselves but the mix that the DJ puts together.A good DJ will know how to link together a good mix of songs with both the event and the crowd in mind.Good DJs now how to put together songs that ebb and flow according to the crowd response and the timing of the event – the DJ cannot allow the crowd to peak too early or the event will then slowly fizzle out, long before it needs to.When you specialize, it’s much easier to become known for a certain style of music, and a lot cheaper to get a good stock of vinyls or cd’s in that genre since you already have a head start in your favorite style.DJ Equipment is expensive; so save money where you can and specialize in just a few musical genres instead of many! About the author:Learn more about becoming a DJ with tips and tutorials from Launches New Portal for the Music Industry Sector: With New Featured Company, SLS International Inc.

by: dawn van zant
For Immediate ReleaseFebruary 1st, Launches New Portal for the Music Industry Sector: With New Featured Company, SLS International Inc.Unique SLS Technology Loudspeakers Feature Celebrity Endorsements From Musical Icons Sting And Quincy Jones.POINT ROBERTS, WA-------------------------------, February 1st, ---2005 -, an investor news portal for the small cap stock market investor, announces the launch of a new portal within its content umbrella, (MIS). is proud to launch this industry portal in concert with the addition of a new featured client in this industry: SLS International Inc. (OTCBB: SITI). SLS International, Inc. is a 30-year-old manufacturer and developer of new patent-pending ultra-high fidelity Ribbon Driver loudspeakers, Patented Evenstar Digital Amplifiers, and sound systems for the commercial, home entertainment, professional and music markets. SLS has perfected the ribbon-driver technology enabling their loudspeakers to achieve exceptional inner detail and accuracy with 20 to 30 percent less the distortion of typical compression driver and dome tweeters. SLS recently announced a new line of home entertainment speaker production with development partner and musical icon Quincy Jones. The ‘Q’ Series of loudspeakers will combine SLS' proprietary "ribbon driver" technology with Mr. Jones' innovative design for optimum sound. Future ‘Q’ Line products may also incorporate SLS' Patented Evenstar digital amplifier technology.“For years SLS has manufactured the finest loudspeakers in the industry. SLS speakers are widely regarded as the current state of the art in audio reproduction and sound reinforcement,” said John Gott, President and CEO of SLS International. “Our recent expansion into the retail home theater market is being met with great enthusiasm from retailers and users alike. This expansion in conjunction with the ongoing growth in the sound reinforcement, studio reference and commercial sound fields has necessitated the acquisition of a new production facility. Late in 2004 SLS International secured a new 150,000 sq/ft. facility and will be moving operations to that facility early in 2005. We are tremendously excited about the future and look forward to continued growth and prosperity.”The newly launched portal (MIS) offers investors a global news portal and research resources to track NASDAQ, AMEX and OTC music industry stocks, an industry that generates revenues to the tune of $40 billion annually, with the US recording industry accounting for one third of that number. MIS features a directory of public and private music industry companies, music stocks, music instrument/technology/sound reproduction manufacturers, music retailers, production and broadcasting companies, service providers, music related funds, as well as exclusive MIS articles. MIS brings an established list of industry contacts and relationships with the music media, fund managers, analysts and more. The site is updated on a daily basis, to feature current news on: satellite/digital/web radio business information, legislative issues, legal musical download news, musical and sound reproduction technology updates, public company news, investment firms doing business within the music industry, business news and analysis, successful industry IPOs, intellectual property piracy and file sharing news, major and independent label financial news, and recording industry featured profiled companies: SLS International Inc. (OTCBB: SITI). (MIS is compensated by companies as disclosed in disclaimer.) includes a growing list of public companies in the sector. Click here for a partial list of companies involved in the sector. the exclusive Feature “The Insiders Corner,” a weekly feature by well-known financial writer and author Michael Brush. Investor Incite free "Investor Incite" Newsletter consists of company and industry updates, investment research and developing trends in key areas such as Homeland Security, Renewable Energy, Nanotechnology, the Music Industry, and more. TO SIGN UP, click here: Overview of 2005 Online Investor Forum Schedule MIS and do not make recommendations, but offer unique, free information portals to investors to research news, articles, interviews and a growing list of participating public companies.Disclaimer: ECON Corporate Services Inc (ECON) is the owner of this domain.ECON is a privately owned corporate communications company specializing in: media relations, investor relations, and research on public companies and industry sectors, for the investment community. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any specific products or securities. All investments involve risk. Past performance does not guarantee future results, therefore investigate before you invest! Although we attempt to research thoroughly, we offer no guarantees as to the accuracy of any information presented. We encourage all investors to use our sites only as a resource to further their own research. The site is compensated by its "Featured Companies,” as outlined in our on-line disclaimer at Featured companies - SLS International (OTCBB: SITI): Four thousand dollars per month. is a Registered WA Trade NameFor more information contact: Dawn Van Zant / Trevor Ruehs / Brian Noer Toll free: 800-665-0411 Email:,, bnoer@investorideas.comAbout the author:The newly launched portal (MIS) offers investors a global news portal and research resources to track NASDAQ, AMEX and OTC music industry stocks, an industry that generates revenues to the tune of $40 billion annually, with the US recording industry accounting for one third of that number. MIS features a directory of public and private music industry companies, music stocks, music instrument/technology/sound reproduction manufacturers, music retailers, production and broadcasting companies, service providers, music related funds, as well as exclusive MIS articles.

Listen to music online!

by: SilentOne
What a wonderful age this is. Today you can listen to music online from around the world. Music online is available from every country on the planet. You can listen right in your own home to real time news and music from anywhere, any language and any culture.New technologies are emerging that make it easy to listen to music online. What is completely new is the handling of the Internet radio stations according to the so called Drag & Drop principle; the user selects the radio stations from a list with the mouse and enables them by dragging and dropping them to the recording window. New is also the advanced adding procedure for more Internet radio stations. The way of creating and selecting your own favorites was also extended.Switching the stations while listening until the new station can be heard was also reduced to some fractions of seconds only. Another new function is the selective saving function of favorite artists through improved filtering options. Instead of 19, Radiotracker now categorizes 8,000 radio stations to 77 music genres.
About the author:

Free Music Video Downloads

by: Jeff Schuman
Listening to all of your favorite songs whenever you want isalways exciting. No more having to wait for it to be played onthe radio or have to go out and buy the whole CD for just oneparticular song. When you can download all of your favoritesongs for free it just makes it that much better. What if youcould download the music videos to all of your favorite songsfor free and add to the excitement every time you listen to thesong? In this article I’ll discuss some of the best places tofind free music video downloads and why some free music videodownload sites are better than others.As mentioned in a previous article I wrote, Music VideoDownloads, not all sites are going to be capable of good qualityfree music video downloads. Some are going to allow you topreview the first 30 seconds of a song, while other sites allowyou to watch only one song, then you must become a member toview more. However, there are sites out there that allow you todownload good quality videos for free. One of the bigger downsides to free video downloads, though, isthat most places only allow you to watch the video and not saveit to a file to view later. Yes, you can view it anytime youwant by simply clicking on the video and having it load in about15 seconds. However, if there is a certain list of songs youwould like to observe, then you’ll have to search through thesite to find them as oppose to having them all saved in alibrary.Another downside to free music video downloads is the fact thatmost sites contain only popular artists and songs, so theunknown bands may be harder to find videos for. This is not tosay that the selection is small, but it is limited to more ofthe current hot hits.One of the better sites that I have found for downloading musicvideos for free is Once you get to thehome page at the top is a button for movies and videos, this iswhere you will find all of the free music video downloads. Onthis page you will find the top music videos for variouscategories such as hip-hop, pop, rock, and so on. Plus theyhave the top 5 music videos currently, with a button away fromgetting the top 600 music videos. I have found this site to bevery quick and efficient with downloading videos, but asmentioned earlier you are only capable of viewing the videos andcan not save them to a library or folder.One of the more common and well known sites to find free musicvideo downloads is at For this site they have itset up with six different categories that you can click on. Asyou click on one of the categories it brings up the top sixvideos under that category currently, then you are able tobrowse all the videos for that category if you please. Or tomake things easier, they have a place where you can simplysearch for a specific video.I have listed two of the more popular sites to find free musicvideo downloads, and two of the easier sites to search through.If you were to conduct a search for free music video downloadsites on google, there are about 131 million different sites orpages connected to this phrase. So as you can see there areseveral different places to look for the videos, it’s just up toyou to find them. The two I have provided would be good ones tostart at, but feel free to broaden your horizon and beginsearching for the sites to find your favorite music videos forfree.About the author:Best MP3 Music Downloads is a site that contains information, articles, and resources on all genres and styles of music. You can download music and videos, and find links to the best places to download music here:

The Record Industry Continues Battle Against Free Music Downloads

by: Tim Somers
Movie and record producers alike are saying file-sharing networks that permit its users the ability to make copies from other network member’s computers are infringing on the copyright laws and costing billions of dollars in lost revenue.The recording industry claims to have lost 25% of it’s revenues since computer, so called thieves, have been using peer-to-peer file-sharing networks to obtain free music downloads.The two latest file-sharing companies to be targeted by these copyright lawsuits are Grokster Ltd, known for its Grokster file-sharing software and StreamCast Networks Inc. from which the Morpheus free music downloading software is distributed.Unlike Napster, Grokster and Morpheus put a spin on the popular file-sharing phenomenon. Instead of indexing the shared files like Napster did, these file-sharing products enables it’s network members to build their own indexes – thus allowing others within the network to download free music and movie files.While some musicians are protesting they are being cheated by these illegal free music downloads – others are speaking out backing how music, movies, pictures and copy are being shared over the Internet.Some music lovers actually use the file-sharing networks to check out an artists latest release before paying up to $18 for a CD that may only have one good song on it. You still will have those that will never make a purchase and continue to take advantage of the free music download networks.Many file-sharing network users have said that using these networks is good for the music industry. File-sharing can bring listeners to smaller, independent bands that they may not otherwise hear on radio or in the mainstream.With the likes of Apple’s iTunes store many have turned their backs on file-sharing networks paying 99 cents per song – Apple claims to sell more than 1 millions songs everyday. Although iTunes is limited still, thus giving file sharing networks a void to fill the unlimited access to music and movies that may otherwise not be able from iTunes.In late 2003 record companies started suing individuals that were downloading free music. With file-sharing networks like Grokster and Morpheus it will be much harder for the recording industry to track down files that are uploaded by individual users. With the Supreme Court now involved they are expected to make some type of ruling in June 2005 on what if any action should be taken against the makers of file-sharing network software.The wrong decision could discourage the future development of products like the iPod or other file-sharing software programs that could be used for legal purposes.Since Grokster and Morpheus do not monitor or have any knowledge of who or what is being downloaded, a federal judge in Los Angeles and the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the copyright infringement charges against both these file-sharing networks.Based on the 1984 ruling of the Supreme Court that stated the use of Sony Betamax, which allowed users to make copies at home of copyrighted TV programs, was legal.The recording industries angle last week was that the approach companies like Grokster and Morpheus are making by advertising their software will provide access to free copies of copyrighted materials should allow them to be sued and shut down.While the jury may be out on this one for sometime – file sharing networks and free music downloads will continue with most users not really worrying about getting sued, since most do not download free music in excess of a few files per month. Copyright 2005 - Tim Somers, 3G Enterprises, LLC About the Your Leader for free music downloads, MP3s, CDs, Music Movies and Electronics and many other music related products and services.

Downloading Music!

by: Mike Yeager
MP3 technology was the catalyst to one of the biggest revolutions in the media business in nearly 30 years. When cassette tapes became popular in the late 1970's and early 1980's, the music industry did the now-familiar Chicken Little dance about its way of life being destroyed. The industry quickly co-opted that threat, turning albums on cassettes into a very lucrative business. In the mid-80's, CDs promised superior quality at lower prices, but we wound up only getting the better quality. Consumers never got the promised price break—album prices continued to climb. Those chickens would come home to roost soon enough. It's taken the music industry the better part of ten years to finally devise some legal alternatives to the P2P file-sharing networks, and now there are well over a dozen online music services legally offering a wide range of genres to satisfy most musical palettes. Aside from one service's downloads being three cents cheaper than the next, what sets them apart? Which one gives you most flexibility about how you enjoy your music? And which one really gives you the most of what you want for your money?
About the author:

Dyann Woody Releases Debut Solo Album My Softer Side

by: Michael Woody
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENashville, TN--October 3, 2005--Who knew that this country singer was really a closet chanteuse? Dyann Woody makes a seamless transition from ‘Yee Haw’ to ‘Ooh La La’. She not only has the voice of an angelic siren, but what will amaze you even more is just how easy and pleasing her music is to listen to. She reaches across many genres and meshes elements of ‘70’s singer/songwriter style, jazz, blues and pop with the art of a well-crafted lyric.Although this is Dyann’s first solo album, she has shared musical success with her husband as part of the Country Music Group, The Woodys. Their debut album on Rounder Records went #1 on the Americana charts; they were voted the Top County Vocal Duo at the International Music News Awards and have received worldwide critical acclaim for all three of their albums. However, there was still a part of Dyann that was musically unfulfilled. She wanted to write songs that expressed all of the emotions and experiences that she and other women have had in their lives in relationship to men. Dyann also wanted to use the full range of her voice bringing into play the years that she studied voice, classical music and jazz.So, inspired by Norah Jones record, Come Fly Away, Dyann felt her time had come. She began writing songs for her own album drawing from earlier musical influences of the artists she loved like Billy Holliday and Bonnie Raitt. My Softer Side is a soulful and heartfelt musical offering that not only highlights great songwriting but her sweet & sultry vocals along with the stellar talents of Rick Vito (Bonnie Raitt, Fleetwood Mac), Barry Walsh (Shania Twain), Dave Pomeroy (Trisha Yearwood) and Steve Turner (Emmylou Harris, Dolly Parton). Dyann’s very talented husband, Michael Woody, not only co-produced the album but played trumpet on it as well. He oversaw the entire project and brought to bear his expertise in songwriting (he is a #1 ASCAP songwriter) and encouraged Dyann’s Softer Side to be expressed through her singing. Pat Hutchinson of Warner Chappell Studios put the final icing on the cake as associate producer and engineer.“I have to admit, I loved this album, every single song. Now how often do you hear someone say that? I would be willing to bet, not nearly enough. This CD is the most down to earth and real expression of artistry you will ever find in recorded music.” - Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck-MuzikReviews.comCD Baby: Created by Dynamike Music and Distributed by MuzikReviews.comAbout the author:Dynamike Music Supports Independent Music

The Power of Music

by: Gerald David Greene
as it influences the human spirit and emotions should not be underestimated. Music has a great influence in all cultures and religions. Who has not had the experience of suddenly humming or moving to the rhythm of a tune heard for the first time long ago? Many of the most important events in our lifes are commemorated with music. Those who have served in the military never forget the stirring cadence of a military march. Even decades later the sound of a military band will take the old veteran back to the days when his step was sure and strong and his new found confidence in his ability to defend his country and his buddies from harm knew no bounds. Tunes often are associated with important events in our lives. Perhaps it is the song that you danced to at the high school prom with the person who later became your lifetime partner that still fans your passions. Perhaps it is the tune that was playing as you danced with your new spouse at your wedding party. It may be a song or two that was sung by a famous entertainer whose performance you were lucky enough to hear on your 30th birthday. I still vividly remember seeing Elvis Presley perform near the end of his career. It was my friends birthday present to herself. I was her date for the evening and never expected to be so moved by "The King's" performance. But I was, and am still grateful to my friend for asking me to escort her to the live show.I wasn't that much of an Elvis fan prior to his performance but had a far greater appreciation of his talent after seeing the master at work. What a show! The Internet has created a new important venue for music. Lyrics to just about every song that has ever been written have been archived and can be easily accessed with an Internet search. The sharing of music files has been controversial all be it widespread. Legal means of gaining access to any type of music from Internet sources are under development and have lead to an entirely new growth industry. The power of music can be a strong unifying force in a world that badly needs unification and cooperation on issues that affect us all. Peoples of the world should rejoice in the rich heritage that music brings to every culture. The sharing of ideas and music over the Internet only adds to the significance of music as a universal medium of communications. People all over the world love their music. You can bet there is as much enthusiasm for a new Eminem rap song among Eminem fans as there is for classical jazz or a classical piano performance among more conventional music fans. There are different strokes for different folks as they say in Dixie and nowhere is this better illustrated than in the field of music. However varied musicial tsstes may be amoung individuals we should consider the common thread that music weaves between all peoples and build upon that common ground to achieve a better understanding of how we are connected in our humanity. People the world over have common basic needs and music is one of them. About the author:David is a full time Internet business developer who maintains an office in Bradenton, Fl. but who spends most of his time in the Land of Smiles, the Kingdom of Thailand. His most recent Internet project is Download Music Lyrics
