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Tuesday 22 July 2008

A Huge Concern Over Web: Music Download

by: Plaily Muzic
Internet has come to change everything that once relations used to be lied on. Since Internet had invaded homes, the daily life has never been the same again. Internet changed the family’s habits, the culture and the way someone sees the world. Music is just a part of this change.
Regarding to music, this issue is even more complicated. People now can prepare their own CDs by downloading music from the Internet. And this has become another problematic thing that has contributed to increase the piracy.
The music download problem lies on two issues:
- If people can have access to the most varied types of music, they can have a better idea of a particular artist’s material, they can find out singers they had never heard of and get their CDs even this. These actions may be a little bit illegal and sometimes reduce the profits of the big music companies, but, however, it increases the range where a singer is known. When this happens, both singer and his/her music records win a special recognition, which may lead to the hire of them for shows and (guess what?) profits.
- But if it is true that music download can be beneficial for an artist, sometimes it can also be harmful, speaking about profits of course. And this loss of money in general happens to already famous artists. People download their songs from the Internet because they already know that singer and because they like him/her.
The big music industry complex has a tough battle to face. Profits or recognition!? Profits and recognition depends on each other: you only have profits when you achieve recognition, but your recognition can be measured by your profits. How to solve the problem?
Well, even if this matter seems to be far from a solution, some measures are being taken by the companies. Some laws have been created and other demands are being done. Even if it is hard to supervise all the websites on the Internet that offer music download, some people have been being charged of piracy and arrested.
Janis Ian on her article states that the music download increases the profit of the music industries, instead of what these industries allege. According to Janis, when people downloads a music form he Internet and get to know that song, they buy the CD because they already liked it and have no way to regret buying that CD. She also states that this happens because most of people cannot pay for a CD just to “give it a try”.
Music download is a reality – no matter what.

Next Up and Coming Guitarist in a Long Line of Famous Van Zant Musicians Launches Munch Music - Classic Rock Themed Digital Recording Facility

by: Brian Noer
“Live Your Rock & Roll Dream” at Munch Music – CD recording, music lessons and live performance experience are now within the grasp of all musiciansTsawwassen, B.C., June 21, 2005 -- Munch Music, Inc. - On July 16th get ready to jump into the center ring of your own 'Rock & Roll Circus' as Munch Music opens its doors in Tsawwassen, B.C., Canada, to music fans and performers of all ages and experience levels,. Munch Music is the brainchild of Taylor Van Zant. Taylor a 15 year old who has been playing guitar for two and a half years - his goal: to be the next in a long line of famous Van Zant musicians. Directors Brian Noer and Dawn Van Zant, who have a combined forty years of professional expertise in the financial markets and many successful business ventures between them, are backing Taylor in this exciting new enterprise.The concept behind Munch Music is simple: “You have a Rock & Roll Dream and we provide the means for you to live that dream”. Life at Munch Music is never boring, and here you're never too old or too young to be a bona fide 'Jukebox Hero'! Munch Music provides the fulfillment of musical dreams through a state of the art digital recording studio, the opportunity to promote your new CD both in-store and online, and a staff of experienced lifelong musicians who are available to instruct and guide you through your musical journey. And to top it all off, we are able to offer our services and expertise at extremely affordable prices that should suit the budget of even the youngest new chart toppers.“I have always wanted a chance to live my own Rock & Roll Dream,” said Taylor Van Zant, “so I developed the concept behind Munch Music as a place where I could live my dream and others could live theirs too.”“It was an exciting moment,” said Brian Noer, Director of Munch Music, “when Dawn and Taylor approached me with their concept for a place where musicians of all ages, and particularly teenagers, could channel their energies in a positive way towards the realization of musical goals. Music has been a positive influence on me for most of my life, and I relish the opportunity to run a business whose aim is to develop the creative instincts of the next generation of musical talent.”The Munch Music website features an extensive list of music industry links from classic rock to copyrighting your own music for avid music fans. Click here for more details: Other famous Van Zant musician links us: Doors Open on July16, 2005 at 10:00 am. Check us out online at, where you can view a complete description of our services, facilities, price list, menu and merchandise. Music Industry Blog: Brian Noer or Taylor Van Zant bnoer@investorideas.com866 725 2552Unit 11 - 1835 56th Street, V4L 2L8Delta, BC - CanadaAbout the author:About us: Open on July16, 2005 at 10:00 am. Check us out online at,/where you can view a complete description of our services, facilities, price list, menu and merchandise.

How Do You Find Sheet Music Downloads Today?

by: Jeff Schuman
Music is a piece of entertainment that is in society’s dailylife consistently. It doesn’t matter whether it is Rock andRoll, Gospel and Christian music, or jazz, people listen tomusic for a variety of reasons. However, today there are moreand more people learning to play instruments and create musicpieces themselves as oppose to simply listening to music. Onthe internet you can find sheet music downloads for songs tosing and play with the piano, guitar, Christian music and more.When trying to find a certain song or certain kind of sheetmusic over the internet, it can get frustrating. There aremillions of sites to look, but in a way that can be discouraginghaving to look through millions of sites to find a couple songs.With this article I’ll lead you towards a few of the morepopular sites that contain many songs, and attempt to help youin finding sheet music over the internet. To start, notationmachine is a site where you can find sheetmusic to over thousands of songs narrowed down to the decades.It also has it broken down into author and song title when yougo through the specific decades. Through this site they also offer a membership that you candownload certain software to help you find the thousands ofdifferent kinds of sheet music on the internet today fromclassical to gospel to piano music. With downloading thesoftware it will help you find all kinds of new sheet music andgive you access to downloading them and printing them out asoppose to just viewing them. This and much more can be foundhere: you are looking for a list of just classical sheet music,then virtual sheet music is the place for you. Here you willfind a list of the top composers sold, links to specificcomposers and instruments, free sheet music, or a list of all ofthe sheet music available. The price on this site varies from$2-$9 for individual pieces of sheet music, but is well worththe buy as you can play the best classical music made.This is not a site of just classical music, but a list of thebest composers known today. You can find sheet music from Bach,Beethoven, Mozart and more. With a few dollars you too can beplaying the greatest classical music made. Find all of theCD’s, sheet music, links and more here:http://www.virtualsheetmusic.comIf you’re looking for a broad site that will show you sheetmusic to all kinds of music, then check out Hereyou can find sheet music and lessons for numerous instrumentsincluding the guitar, piano, cello, voice and more. Also on thehome page is a music genres section where you can find piecesand riffs of classical, rock and pop, occasions such asChristmas, and much more. To check out all of these categories and find many of yourfavorite songs that you too can play simply go here: order to print off the sheet music so that you can take itwith you everywhere, there is a $20 per year subscription thatis necessary. However, in order to just observe the sheet musicon the computer it is free. So check out the site where you cantake lessons to improve your skills, and then begin playing allof the best music of all different kinds of genres.As you can see there are sites containing all different kinds ofsheet music out there just waiting for you. Now it’s your turnto find which site suites you best and begin your sheet musicdownloading.About the author:Best MP3 Music Downloads is a site that contains information, articles, and resources on all genres and styles of music. You can download music and videos, and find links to the best places to download music here:
